How can you serve as the most effective and valuable resource for your business clients? It doesn’t start with going into the file cabinet and pulling out a bunch of arcane legal forms. It starts with strategy and preparation followed by proper documentation.
Following these methods presented by Melody Kramer you will become an invaluable resource for your small business clients thinking about a collaborative venture with another entrepreneur or business person. Melody will mainly cover these topics: preparing the client, purpose & structure of the agreement, defining the terms of the relationship, due diligence before drafting the agreement, discussing the legal framework with clients and drafting the collaboration agreement. Additional subjects addressed: choice of entity, ownership & revenue sharing, liability, work product, control of contributions, balance of power, dividing responsibilities, the checklist, dispute resolution, the method of terminating the business, paperwork and dignity & respect. Melody will also discuss numerous case examples from her practice.
Melody A. Kramer is a trial lawyer, author, speaker, innovator and visionary. Melody has earned a reputation as a fearless advocate for clients in courtrooms across the country and an innovative problem solver in keeping people out of court.
Practice Areas: Business Law
Offered In: California (CA)
Course Expiration: 12/01/2026
Media Type: Streaming Video, MP3, Video Download, MP3 Player, USB
1.00 credit hours
Original Production Date: 12/01/2021
Run Time: 1:00:04
There are billions of iPhones, Droids, tablets, Alexas and other digital devices in the world. And with countless apps, limitless tracking capabilities & ubiquitous WiFi, that iPhone in your client's pocket holds a treasure trove of electronic information.
Don't worry though - you don't have be a total tech geek to understand how cell phone forensics can help you in your criminal and civil cases. Lars Daniel breaks things down in plain English by utilizing colorful case examples to illustrate how electronic information generated by cell phones and digital devices can make - OR break - your client's case. Lars will mainly discuss the proper (and improper) collection, acquisition, analysis and examination of electronic evidence on smartphones and challenging digital evidence generated by cell phones. Lars will also address the following topics: "thumb forensics" & first responders, file systems, deleted & destroyed data, conducting manual examinations, Google Maps location data, user accounts, Internet searches & web history, call logs, text (SMS) messaging, apps, timelines, affidavit highlights, video verification, fakes messages and spoofing.
A seasoned digital forensics expert,, author and speaker, Lars Daniel has attended over 350 hours of forensic training and has worked on over 500 cases involving murder, child pornography, terrorism, rape, kidnapping, intellectual property, fraud, wrongful death, among other case types.
Specialty Areas: Technology
Practice Areas: Criminal Law, Litigation, Personal Injury, Technology
Offered In: California (CA)
Course Expiration: 09/17/2026
Media Type: Streaming Video, MP3, Video Download, MP3 Player, USB
1.00 credit hours
| 1.00 Technology
Original Production Date: 09/17/2021
Run Time: 1:00:05
What is a 30(b)(6) witness? How do you secure a deposition? Why should you not object - and what should you say when you object. Any questions? Of course there are questions, it's a course about depositions!
Presented by Michael Needleman, this CLE is designed to introduce key concepts of conducting a deposition and then provide deeper practical insights into FRCP Rule 30. The key subjects addressed include limitations, the attorney-client privilege, instructions, deponent's criminal history, asserting objections, defending depositions, why you should not object, what to say when objecting, video - or not to video, expert depositions, ethics, exhibits, tips, tricks and potential traps. This course will also discuss the privileges that can be asserted in such a deposition, and how they differ slightly from those that can be asserted in other depositions. Finally, this course will cover some of the unique issues that arise at such a deposition, such as the functional equivalent doctrine.
Michael J. Needleman is a Partner in the firm's litigation department. He has extensive trial experience, having tried cases across Pennsylvania and New Jersey as well as in the District of Columbia.
Practice Areas: Criminal Law, Litigation, Personal Injury
Offered In: California (CA)
Course Expiration: 11/21/2027
Media Type: Streaming Video, MP3, Video Download, MP3 Player, USB
1.75 credit hours
Original Production Date: 11/21/2022
Run Time: 1:45:00
Who do you think is punished more frequently for ethical violations - big law or small law attorneys? Because small law attorneys don't have the same resources and systems as their big law brethren, solo and small firm attorneys face discipline at a much higher rate.
Philip King investigated over 1,000 ethical grievances against attorneys & judges in his time with the Ohio Office of Disciplinary Counsel. He has seen small law and solo attorneys commit the same routine ethical violations time and time again. In this CLE, Philip will highlight common ethical pitfalls for small law attorneys and provide you with practical advice so you can spot and avoid these practice traps. Philip will focus on these main issues: using the firm name & letterhead in advertising, staying competent by picking a niche, setting your attorney fees and client solicitation & advertisement. These topics are also covered: the dangers of Door Law, reasonable attorney fees, what to charge for personnel, prohibited clauses, division of fees, calculating alternative & fixed fees and client referrals.
Philip King is the owner of the firm, Law Office of Philip A. King, LLC, and he focuses on probate, estate planning and guardianship issues. Before starting his own law firm, Mr. King worked with the Ohio Supreme Court's Office of Disciplinary Counsel.
Specialty Areas: Legal Ethics
Practice Areas: Ethics, Professionalism
Offered In: California (CA)
Course Expiration: 05/08/2025
Media Type: Streaming Video, MP3, Video Download, MP3 Player, USB
1.00 credit hours
| 1.00 Legal Ethics
Original Production Date: 05/08/2020
Run Time: 1:00:15
The amount of information DOUBLES every two years. Managing the information tsunami has become a major headache for businesses– from knowing when & how to institute legal holds to disposing of un-needed documents.
Attorneys that represent these business now face major ethical challenges when dealing with these new eDisocvery & Information Governance issues. This CLE course will provide you with the foundation you need to implement a defensible disposition process and avoid ethical violations & sanctions. Main topics covered: primary ethical considerations, conducting proper defensible disposition, case law involving ethics violations and implementing & managing a defensible disposition process. The panel will also discuss: IG Compliance, negative impacts of over-retention, modeling financial savings, elements of a plan, being proactive, data deletion privacy & cybersecurity. Ethics topics addressed: competence, confidentiality, candor, fairness, privilege and inadvertent disclosure.
Jeff Jacobs has decades of experience as in-house corporate counsel and electronic discovery manager. With more than 12 years of experience in eDiscovery, data privacy & cybersecurity, Brian Segobiano is a Managing Director in Ankura's Chicago office. Joe Shepley is a Managing Director for Ankura and he has almost two decades in information management and has worked with a range of industries.
Specialty Areas: Legal Ethics
Practice Areas: Business Law, Employment Law, Ethics, Litigation
Offered In: California (CA)
Course Expiration: 03/29/2026
Media Type: Streaming Video, MP3, Video Download, MP3 Player, USB
1.00 credit hours
| 1.00 Legal Ethics
Original Production Date: 03/29/2021
Run Time: 1:00:01
Your long-time business client emails you and wants you to review some documents & contracts for his new business selling cryptocurrency to teenagers - and he also wants you to be the new CEO and general counsel. Good idea??
R. Shawn McBride works with business owners all over the country and he knows that things can get a little dicey with your business clients. From fake real estate transactions to drafting executive compensation packages, there are many intersections between reviewing contracts for client’s and the ethical standards of the legal profession. Shawn will present numerous common everyday scenarios where attorneys run into ethical dilemmas by discussing: Rule 1.2 - Scope of Representation, Rule 1.7-1.10 - Conflicts of Interest & Business Transactions with Clients, Rule 1.18 - Duties to Prospective Clients, Rule 1.13 - Organization as Client, Rule 2.4 - Lawyer as 3rd Party Neutral, Rule 4.3 - Unrepresented Persons, Rule 5.1 - Supervisors & Subordinates, Rule 7.3 - Info About Legal Services, Rule 1.5 - Fees, Rule 1.15 - Safekeeping Property, Rule 1.3 - Diligence, Rule 8.3 - Reporting Professional Misconduct and Rule 2.1 - Advisor.
Based in Dallas, R. Shawn McBride works with business owners all over the country. He frequently speaks on business and legal topics and he is currently licensed to practice law in 13 states and the District of Columbia.
Specialty Areas: Legal Ethics
Practice Areas: Business Law, Ethics
Offered In: California (CA)
Course Expiration: 08/12/2027
Media Type: Streaming Video, MP3, Video Download, MP3 Player, USB
1.00 credit hours
| 1.00 Legal Ethics
Original Production Date: 08/12/2022
Run Time: 1:00:01
From Fords & Ferraris to Chevys & Lambos, Americans have a deep rooted love affair with their cars. And when car companies invest millions into the development and marketing of their iconic vehicles - only to see their goodwill and investment knocked off by another company - then the IP lawyers are unleashed.
In this eloquent & entertaining CLE program, Peter Afrasiabi reviews how the automotive industry has used trade dress law to protect their automobile designs and parts. Peter will mainly discuss the fundamentals & three elements of a trade dress claim and analyze key case law involving Hummers, Bentleys, Spyders, Porsches & Lamborghinis, kit cars and more. Throughout the course Peter also provides numerous practice tips for litigating claims of trade dress infringement about social media & survey evidence, expert & witness testimony and many other valuable points. He will also provide expert analysis on the Lanham Act, the nonfunctional requirement, inherently distinctive (ID) or secondary meaning, the likelihood of confusion and trade dress in advertising.
From battles with Madonna over the "Material Girl" brand to fair use disputes with the Eagles' Don Henley to protecting such iconic brands as Bettie Page in trademark and trade dress disputes, Peter R. Afrasiabi primarily handles copyright, trademark and entertainment disputes.
Practice Areas: Business Law, Intellectual Property
Offered In: California (CA)
Course Expiration: 05/06/2025
Media Type: Streaming Video, MP3, Video Download, MP3 Player, USB
1.00 credit hours
Original Production Date: 05/06/2020
Run Time: 1:00:13
Quick question. Why did you become an attorney? Many of us chose the legal profession as a noble calling to help people. But what happens when you have to deal with other people's problems - 90 hours a week, 51 weeks a year??
Trauma, burnout and compassion fatigue are all too often part of our daily legal practice. In this CLE, Brian Quinn will explore the connection between compassion fatigue that attorneys experience and medial & legal studies that have discovered a dramatic increase in attorney impairment due to alcoholism, addiction, and mental health disorders. Main subjects covered: LAP (Lawyer Assistance Program) Services, Burnout & Secondary Trauma, Compassion Fatigue, Why Lawyers are at Risk and Strategies That Work. Model Rule 1.6 ethical disclosure exception, being a problem collector, physical signs of burnout, the culture of the legal profession, disconnection & distraction, loneliness, lawyers as perfectionists, Secondary Traumatic Stress (STS), trauma, countertransference, compassion satisfaction, compassion fatigue, from zealot to zombie, how your work suffers, movement is medicine, gratitude journals and using meditation apps.
Brian S. Quinn, Esquire is a licensed attorney in Pennsylvania who currently serves as the Education and Outreach Coordinator for LLC of Pennsylvania, a Lawyers Assistance Program established for the purpose of helping lawyers, judges and law students.
Specialty Areas: Prevention & Detection Competence
Practice Areas: Prevention & Detection Competence
Offered In: California (CA)
Course Expiration: 06/15/2028
Media Type: Streaming Video, MP3, Video Download, MP3 Player, USB
1.00 credit hours
| 1.00 Prevention & Detection Competence
Original Production Date: 06/16/2023
Run Time: 1:00:00
What are synthetic cannabinoids and how do they compare with marijuana? How do the sources of marijuana (edibles, oils, "joints") differ in potency and effects on the body? What is the science behind the marijuana breath testing device?
As more states legalize recreational use, attorneys around the country are encountering more cases involving marijuana issues and synthetic cannabinoids. Dr. Allison A. Muller, Pharm.D, frequently consults with attorneys and provides expert witness testimony in cases involving marijuana and synthetic cannabinoids. Attorneys that complete this course will: learn the scientific name of the parent marijuana compound & two metabolites, cite two differences between marijuana & synthetic cannabinoids, identify one similarity between marijuana & synthetic cannabinoids and provide one reason why determining impairment is challenging. Dr. Muller will also address: Cannabidiol (CBD), nomenclature, marijuana & metabolite detection, THC testing in blood & urine, THC effects on the body, THC driving-impairment, toxicology testing & synthetic cannabinoids, withdrawal syndromes and Spice-Ophrenia.
Dr. Muller is a board-certified toxicologist, fellow of the American Academy of Clinical Toxicology, and registered pharmacist with over 20 years' experience in the field of clinical toxicology.
Practice Areas: Criminal Law, Litigation, Personal Injury
Offered In: California (CA)
Course Expiration: 02/25/2027
Media Type: Streaming Video, MP3, Video Download, MP3 Player, USB
1.00 credit hours
Original Production Date: 02/25/2022
Run Time: 1:00:03
"It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so." - Mark Twain
Implicit bias is a hard-wired cognitive shortcut that is the brain's way of simplifying a very complex world. This mental crutch helps us make snap judgements to quickly assess potential dangers in our environment. But this same unconscious bias can lead to bad decisions that violate an attorneys' ethical duties of Competence, Communication & Diligence. It can also lead to bad press for law firms, malpractice lawsuits and possibly disbarment. In this CLE, Danny Howell will mainly cover the ABA & state response to combatting implicit bias, the types of unconscious bias that create ethical risks for attorneys, ABA Ethics Opinion 500, bias against persons with disabilities and the fact that a 1 hour implicit bias CLE is not enough. Further topics of discussion: confirmation bias, cultural bias, affinity bias, sunk cost bias, accent bias, the EEOC & mental health conditions, faulty assumptions, the circle of trust, mentoring, expanding your circle and following the leaders. Ethical Rules discussed: Rule 1.1, Rule 3.1, Rule 5.1 & Rule 8.4(d).
Danny Howell has been representing attorneys in professional liability suits, bar investigations and complaints and disbarment actions before the federal courts and the United States Patent & Trademark Office, for over 25 years.
Specialty Areas: Implicit Bias
Practice Areas: Implicit Bias
Offered In: California (CA)
Course Expiration: 11/28/2028
Media Type: Streaming Video, MP3, Video Download, MP3 Player, USB
1.00 credit hours
| 1.00 Implicit Bias
Original Production Date: 11/28/2023
Run Time: 1:00:00
How does Beethoven's classic Fifth Symphony relate to legal ethics? Much like Beethoven's Fifth, legal ethics can be broken down into three major themes. At its essence, ethics is not complex - don't lie, don't cheat and don't steal.
In this CLE course, the honorable Earl H. Maas, III, provides a thought provoking discussion on the types and sources of ethics and how they apply to attorneys, a changing & diverse society and the legal profession. Judge Maas will mainly discuss the origins & evolving nature of legal ethics, the three types of ethics, ethics vs. laws and common ethical pitfalls. The following subjects are also covered: ethics resources, applied ethics, normative ethics, meta-ethics, the Rules of Professional Conduct, your ethical duties when there is tension between inconsistent federal laws and state laws, stumbling into a lawyer-client relationship, ethics advice & cocktail parties and your ethical duty to accept a case.
Earl H. Maas III is a judge for the Superior Court of San Diego County in California. He was appointed by former Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger in April 2005 to succeed Bernard E. Revak.
Specialty Areas: Legal Ethics
Practice Areas: Ethics
Offered In: California (CA)
Course Expiration: 01/23/2025
Media Type: Streaming Video, MP3, Video Download, MP3 Player, USB
1.00 credit hours
| 1.00 Legal Ethics
Original Production Date: 01/23/2020
Run Time: 1:00:07
So you want to be an NFL agent? Ask yourself - are you ready to handle those 3:00 a.m. phone calls? From Michael Vick to Henry Ruggs, NFL players and their activities off the field cause major headaches for their agents.
And while NFL agents like the action, they don’t always like the paperwork. In this CLE, Seattle attorney Brian Brunkow provides an in-depth overview of the legal life of an NFL agent. Brain will mainly highlight the following topics: the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) & the NFLPA. Agent Eligibility, Agent-Player Agreements (SRA's), Team-Player Agreements and the NFL's Personal Conduct Policy. Additional subjects: the salary cap, National Labor Relations Act (NLRA), de-certification, agent requirements, NFLPA Rules & Regulations, the NFL agent exam, losing your license, scope of activities, certification denial, prohibited conduct, arbitration, discipline and salary/bonus forfeiture. A must-see for any attorneys thinking about becoming the next Jerry MaGuire - or just your average sports nut (like me).
Brian Brunkow is a Seattle-area lawyer focused on negotiations, dispute resolution and NCAA compliance. In addition, he teaches lawyers about sports agency law and speaks at West Coast coaching clinics on student-athlete development.
Practice Areas: Sports and Entertainment
Offered In: California (CA)
Course Expiration: 11/19/2026
Media Type: Streaming Video, MP3, Video Download, MP3 Player, USB
1.50 credit hours
Original Production Date: 11/19/2021
Run Time: 1:30:00
Not too long ago, lawyers wrote letters, sent faxes and relied on their reputation for integrity & intelligence to gain clients. Now attorneys email, tweet and advertise on Google and Facebook.
With the advent of attorney advertising, bar associations began re-emphasizing notions of professionalism as the practice of law became more of a business. Email, social media and AI have only made it more difficult for attorneys to practice with professionalism. In this CLE, Ron Daniels will opine on how modern lawyers can remain professional in our new electronic world. Main topics: The foundations of professionalism in the legal profession, what it means to be a professional, professionalism resources and professionalism scenarios for the 21st Century attorney. Additional topics: Ethics vs. Professionalism, the Lawyer's Creed, Georgia's Aspirational Statements on Professionalism, the Golden Rule, practicing with professionalism in your daily practice, civility & professionalism, email hijinks, 140 Characters of Mayhem and responding to negative Google reviews.
Ron E. Daniels is a trial attorney that represents clients in consumer protection cases. He fiercely and proudly represent Georgians in cases involving credit card, student loan and medical debt.
Specialty Areas: Civility
Practice Areas: Civility
Offered In: California (CA)
Course Expiration: 12/21/2028
Media Type: Streaming Video, MP3, Video Download, MP3 Player, USB
1.00 credit hours
| 1.00 Civility
Original Production Date: 12/21/2023
Run Time: 1:00:00
There are close to two million service members in the U.S. armed forces around the globe and our country - and nearly one million serve in the national guard and reserves. Even though you don't live near a military base, you might be missing substantial economic claims from service members in your files.
Both attorneys and former members of the armed services, Dennis and Mike McCarthy will help you to spot these types of hidden claims and show you how you can establish these often-overlooked economic damages in your cases - from premises liability to auto injuries. Dennis and Michael will discuss the official Military Personnel File (OMPF), career patterns & regulations, ending a military career, elements of military compensation and proving economic damages at trial. Also covered: types of cases & claims, the legal framework, the SF-180, service obligations, performance evaluations, service culture & customs, the Feres Doctrine, VA disability payments & offsets, base pay, retired pay and common questions. This CLE course is intended for lawyers who are involved in a case with a member of the armed forces whose earnings are claimed to have been affected.
Michael & Dennis McCarthy are both Principals in Military Experts, LLC, a consulting firm that advises businesses and attorneys nationwide. Dennis began his Marine Corps service as a platoon leader in Vietnam and served as Assistant Secretary of Defense. Mike is a small business owner who has been mobilized multiple times in support of operations abroad.
Practice Areas: Litigation, Personal Injury
Offered In: California (CA)
Course Expiration: 10/27/2026
Media Type: Streaming Video, MP3, Video Download, MP3 Player, USB
1.00 credit hours
Original Production Date: 10/27/2021
Run Time: 1:00:07
Although the Declaration of Independence stated that "All men are created equal," it took a series of legal decisions in the 1950's culminating in the Brown decision to end segregation in public schools.
While many attorneys know the importance of Brown, not many know the story of how this landmark case arrived at the Supreme Court and the years of legal work that paved the way to one of the most important legal decisions in American jurisprudence. Geeta N. Kapur will tell the story by breaking down the four legal cases that led to Brown, exploring the five communities that challenged segregation & discrimination in schools and discussing the Brown decision as a landmark in American justice. Geeta will also discuss the "Doll Tests," the importance of Social Science data, Jim Crow Laws & Black Codes, Earl Warren & the Supreme Court, the leading lawyers including Thurgood Marshall, Spottswood Robinson III, Louis L. Redding & James Nabrit, Jr., the "All Deliberate Speed" standard and Southern state's responses.
A native of Kenya, Geeta N. Kapur is a civil rights attorney and alumna of UNC-Chapel Hill School of Law. She is the author of, "To Drink from the Well: The Struggle for Racial Equality at the Nation's Oldest Public University."
Specialty Areas: Elimination of Bias
Practice Areas: Elimination of Bias
Offered In: California (CA)
Course Expiration: 02/11/2027
Media Type: Streaming Video, MP3, Video Download, USB
1.00 credit hours
| 1.00 Elimination of Bias
Original Production Date: 02/11/2022
Run Time: 1:00:04
Trust administration has become increasingly difficult. The needs of the beneficiaries have become more complex, investments are now more sophisticated with greater liabilities, families are more complicated... and then there's Facebook and social media.
Dave Folz is based in Dallas, Texas, and had focused on trust administration for over forty years. Since he retired from Texas Capital he has consulted for and coached individual trustees, often continuing to serve his clients after the initial assignment as their "trustee hot line."
Practice Areas: Trusts and Estates
Offered In: California (CA)
Course Expiration: 06/04/2025
Media Type: Streaming Video, MP3, Video Download, MP3 Player, USB
1.00 credit hours
Original Production Date: 06/04/2020
Run Time: 1:00:16
Your client is accused of kidnap, murder and arson. Of course, your client swears he was nowhere near the incident scene because he spent the night at his girlfriend's house that night. How can you prove this to the jury?
Just ask special agent turned digital forensic examiner Eric Grabski! Using the girlfriend's Facebook IP address, network subscriber info and WiFi data, Eric was able to prove definitively that the suspect was nowhere near the murder scene on the night in question. From tracking murder suspects with Facebook Live data - to pointing out mistakes in the state's location evidence due to bad vector analysis - Eric will show you how to analyze cell phone location evidence in your legal cases. Eric will mainly discuss: Sources of Evidence: Cellular Providers & Network, Understanding Call Detail Records - CDRs and the Reliability of Location Information: Bolstering the Evidence. Additional topics: burner phones, cellular design network, legal process & discovery, using subpoenas, Cell Site Location Information (CSLI), phone extractions, location data from multiple sources, social media records and Google Takeout.
Eric Grabski is an expert witness specializing in historical cell site analysis, call detail record analysis, and mobile device forensics. Eric is currently a Senior Digital Forensic Examiner with Envista Forensics where he provides consultation to attorneys regarding criminal and civil litigation.
Specialty Areas: Technology
Practice Areas: Criminal Law, Litigation, Personal Injury, Technology
Offered In: California (CA)
Course Expiration: 11/07/2027
Media Type: Streaming Video, MP3, Video Download, MP3 Player, USB
1.50 credit hours
| 1.50 Technology
Original Production Date: 11/07/2022
Run Time: 1:30:00
Cheryl Nolan is an animal law lawyer who helps aggrieved pet owners with veterinary malpractice claims. She handles cases involving dogs, cats, horses, birds... and even hamsters.
In this CLE she will discuss the hallmarks of dog & animal law, types of claims, theories of liability, small claims vs. the veterinarian board and case development. Additional subjects: animal law practice areas, private equity & veterinarians, the roots of animal law, what pet owners want, handling animal disputes with alternative dispute resolution (ADR), Debra Vey Voda-Hamilton's mediation practice, breach of contract, bailment, malpractice & negligence, conversion, consumer protections, fraud & misrepresentation, deceptive business practices, market value, replacement value, special & unique value monetizing bowser and utilizing expert witnesses to guide the case. Cheryl will conclude by providing a detailed analysis of two actual case examples where she helped pet owners.
Cheryl Nolan decided on a career in law to help others and be of service. After 23 years promoting the interests of the disadvantaged and equal access to justice, Cheryl now runs an animal-centered law practice.
Practice Areas: Law Practice Management, Litigation, Real Property
Offered In: California (CA)
Course Expiration: 04/30/2028
Media Type: Streaming Video, MP3, Video Download, MP3 Player, USB
1.00 credit hours
Original Production Date: 04/30/2023
Run Time: 1:00:00
When is too much of a good thing...too much? Eating a great meal and getting in a good sweat at the gym are healthy, essential parts of many of our lives. But when there is never enough, it may be considered part of a compulsive, addictive or disordered behavior.
As the Education and Outreach Coordinator for Lawyers Concerned for Lawyers, Brian Quinn has seen a significant increase in a number of disorders amongst attorneys during the pandemic - from compulsive gambling to impostor syndrome. He has also seen a corresponding rise in eating, sex and exercise disorders - a topic he covers in-depth in this eye-opening CLE. He will focus on symptoms, causes, early warning signs, physical & social impacts, easy well-being strategies for attorneys that work, barriers that prevent lawyers & judges from seeking help and a giving yourself a chance for success. Also discussed: Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia, Binge Eating, Orthorexia, Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID), SCOFF, Compulsive Sexual Behavior Disorder (CSBD) and Compulsive Exercise Disorder.
Prior to working for Lawyers Concerned for Lawyers (LCL), Brian S. Quinn was a sole practitioner for nearly 40 years and has also worked in the field of Alcohol and Drug Counseling at Mirmont Treatment Center and Malvern Institute in suburban Philadelphia.
Specialty Areas: Prevention & Detection Competence
Practice Areas: Prevention & Detection Competence
Offered In: California (CA)
Course Expiration: 03/29/2027
Media Type: Streaming Video, MP3, Video Download, MP3 Player, USB
1.00 credit hours
| 1.00 Prevention & Detection Competence
Original Production Date: 03/29/2022
Run Time: 1:00:00
In today's outrage culture, things can go sideways very quickly for your clients in the court of public opinion. And "Bad Press" now includes blogs, social media, influencers and every Joey Bag O'Donuts with an iPhone.
This negative publicity - and sometimes downright outrage - can detrimentally affect your client's case and the results you can achieve for your client. A Crisis PR Expert, Dave Oates knows the risks of public interest firsthand and will show you how to handle media interest in your case when it hits the blogs, YouTube, Twitter and the nightly news. Main topics in this CLE: The Risks of Public Interest on Your Client's Legal Case, Preparing for Trial Publicity, Social Media & Influencer Interest, Litigation: Expanding Your Client's PR Presence, How to Handle Adjudication & Settlement and Preparing for Questions: How to Proceed Post Event. Further points of discussion: resetting the narrative, the public's view is perception, government entities, the wrongful termination case of Dr. Hasan Gokal, protecting the client, preparing for potential outcomes, creating a decision tree to proactively communicate and preparing for Q&As.
Starting as a U.S. Navy Public Affairs Officer and later as a Corporate CMO & Non-Profit President, Dave Oates has 30 years of experience dealing with Crisis PR. His experiences include employee & executive misconduct, cybersecurity attacks, product recalls, mass layoffs, large-scale accidents, criminal investigations, and civil litigation matters.
Practice Areas: Business Law, Criminal Law, Employment Law, Litigation, Personal Injury
Offered In: California (CA)
Course Expiration: 06/22/2028
Media Type: Streaming Video, MP3, Video Download, MP3 Player, USB
1.00 credit hours
Original Production Date: 06/22/2023
Run Time: 0:59:59
"Those who tell the stories rule society." - Plato. And those lawyers who tell the best legal story win their cases.
In this CLE, Jennifer Gardner shows you how lawyers can tell powerful legal stories and how to be a powerful legal storyteller. The main topics presented include: whoever tells the best story wins the trial or case, telling your client's persuasive legal story, what makes a good legal story great and what makes a good legal storyteller great. Additional topics: key concepts of engaging stories, humans learn through story, telling persuasive stories in your legal case, the neuroscience of storytelling, the right brain & emotions, the left brain as gatekeeper, triggering the right brain, universal story themes, struggle & conflict, Joseph Campbell & The Hero's Journey, archetypes, superheroes + antiheros, outlaws + tricksters, the emotional reality of your clients, credibility & authority, building trust & rapport, being human, how to listen actively and repetition & mirroring.
Jennifer B. Gardner has served clients in criminal and civil legal disputes since 1987 as a trial lawyer in Los Angeles since 1992. A proud graduate of the Trial Lawyers College, Jennifer is also a writer, a speaker and magnetic courtroom presence.
Practice Areas: Criminal Law, Litigation, Personal Injury
Offered In: California (CA)
Course Expiration: 10/30/2028
Media Type: Streaming Video, MP3, Video Download, MP3 Player, USB
1.00 credit hours
Original Production Date: 10/30/2023
Run Time: 1:00:00
More people buying dogs during the pandemic, more delivery drivers, more people working & staying around the house - and there's always plenty of tasty mail carriers. More dogs means one thing - more dog bites.
And when man's best friend isn't so friendly, the consequences can unfortunately be deadly. A former prosecutor turned personal injury trial attorney, Claudine Wilkins will discuss practical tips for winning dog bite cases for your clients - from plaintiff's strategies & theories of law to restitution and damages. Additional topics of discussion: state law, reactionary & predatory dog bites, dog attacks, adoption centers & shelters, intentional mislabeling, toolkits, the prosecutor's checklist, legislation, restitution, liability, negligence, Dog at Large ordinances, injuries, initial intake, investigations, case law & examples, causes of dog bites, contributing factors, bad enclosures and bad laws. Claudine will also cover case intake, negligence & investigations and share numerous practical tips & strategies you can deploy at trial to get the best result for your client.
Claudine Wilkins is an Animal Law Expert & Attorney. A former prosecutor, she has trained thousands of professionals in animal-related fields.
Practice Areas: Personal Injury, Real Property
Offered In: California (CA)
Course Expiration: 08/26/2027
Media Type: Streaming Video, MP3, Video Download, MP3 Player, USB
1.00 credit hours
Original Production Date: 08/26/2022
Run Time: 1:00:00
People develop chronic pain and sustain concussion from a wide array of trauma, from car crashes to crane accidents. Unfortunately, while concussions, chronic pain and CRPS can be debilitating - the hidden nature of these injuries can make it difficult to prove to skeptical jurors. .
In this CLE brimming with practical information & insight, trial attorney Brett Schreiber will walk you through working up and trying these invisible injury cases - from client intake to the fine points of communicating your client's story to the jury. Brett will mainly cover client intake, discovery, voir dire and trial prep. He will conclude by analyzing a recent case example where a woman was injured when her foot fell through a second story walkway at an office building. Additional CLE topics: Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS), mTBI, lien MDs, insurance, disabilities, stalking social media, show & tell, spoon feeding the jury,, Presentation Zen, the TBI Survival Guide, CDC, VA, NIH, Exposing Deceptive Defense Doctors, Budapest Diagnostic Criteria 2003, the Glasgow Coma Score, declarations of witnesses, establishing the medical timeline of treatment and treating vs. expert doctors.
Brett Schreiber's practice includes mass torts, personal injury, medical malpractice and condemnation law. Whether lecturing student groups or handling pro bono claims for wrongfully convicted, he is guided by the Hebrew principle of tikkun olam meaning "heal the world."
Practice Areas: Personal Injury
Offered In: California (CA)
Course Expiration: 07/08/2027
Media Type: Streaming Video, MP3, Video Download, MP3 Player, USB
1.25 credit hours
Original Production Date: 07/08/2022
Run Time: 1:15:00